What is Exposure?

Mastering Manual Mode

As I mentioned earlier, we’re only going to shoot in manual mode. ANYONE can shoot in auto. It’s easy. But I want you to develop a solid foundation in photography and it starts with manual mode. This gives you total control over your art and photos, which you can’t achieve in auto mode. You’re going to learn how to control and manipulate lighting to create images that express your vision.  But first, you have to understand exposure. 

This can take some time to really grasp and many of you will spend the next several weeks mastering it. Be patient and diligent. Once you understand manual mode, you’ll be able to use available light as a tool to create stunning images, instead of feeling frustrated by it. At times, it will be frustrating, but it will also be fun–just wait until it clicks! The more you shoot, the better you get! It’s just like riding a bike or driving a stick shift. Once you get it, it becomes second nature and you won’t have to think too much about it. You’ll be able to walk into an environment, assess the scene, and know how to set up your camera to achieve the best photos.

This part can also feel really boring! I remember the first couple of photography classes I signed up for when I was 18-19… I dropped out of three classes! But eventually, I hit a point where I knew I needed a better understanding of how to use my camera because my photos were not matching my vision… so, I finally stuck with it and now I don’t have to think about my settings. I can walk into a room or scene, know how I want to capture it  - and know exactly which settings to use. I am going to help you get there, too!

Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

To create a photo that looks the way you want, you need to know how to expose your image correctly. After you learn how to expose images correctly, you’ll learn how to stretch those rules and push the boundaries for more creative expression… but first,  let’s master the basics first. 

So, what is exposure? Exposure is the correct amount of light that falls upon a light-sensitive medium and creates an image. 

Why Manual?

  • Takes your photography to the next level
  • Gives you total control 
  • Easier than you think
  • Your photos will be close to perfect in-camera, making post-production super easy with minor tweaks
  • When you understand your camera settings, you will feel as though you are dancing with the light, instead of fighting it! 

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